Confederation of the Rhine

This month, the Army of the Month post will cover my “veteran” Rhine states. Commonly called the Confederation of the Rhine (CotR), this collection of minor state contingents has seen many a tabletop action…either en mass or as individual units for the major powers.

To the pictures….First up is a right flank view of the entire Rhine states collection. The army is ranked across the front with 1st & 2nd CotR regiments (Nassau-Usingen and Nassau-Weilburg) in foreground, then we have 3rd regt. (Frankfort a Main), 4th regt. (Saxon Duchies), and 5th regt. (Lippe & Anhalt) just before the road. Each “column” contains units of that minor state contingent / regimental group.

Rhine states right flank view with Nassau contingent in foreground.

Left flank view showing the Mecklenburg group with the 8th CotR regiment, the 7th regt. (Würzburg) then the 6th regt. (Schwarzburg-Sondershausen & Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt) plus Reuss and Waldeck btn. on the road. Again each column contingent group contains additional units from those minor states. Behind the 6th regt….on the same road, is the Oldenburg btn. and two Hanseatic town “burgher” btns.

Rhine states left flank view, Mecklenburg in foreground.

Closer view (r to l by column) shows the 1st Nassau regiment, the 2nd Nassau regiment, the Nassau chasseurs a cheval squadron. Next comes the Frankfurt a Main contingent; Frankfurt btn. in Spain, the CotR Frankfurt a Main “junior” regiment, a Frankfurt jager btn. and the Frankfurt “hussars”….sort of gendarmerie. Next column has the Saxon Duchies ….1st btn. has Saxon Gotha-Altenburg, 2nd btn. has Saxon Colburg-Saalfeld, Saxon-Meiningen and Saxon-Meiningen-Hildburghausen. Followed them is the Saxon Weimar jagers (1807 uniform) and Saxon Weimar carabiners (1812 uniform). The two cavalrymen are the Saxon Weimar “hussars” and mtd. jagers (1813). Each of these btns. have their freiwilligen jager detachment painted for those 1813-1814 battles. Lastly, the “yellow coat” miniature near the front is the famous Saxon Gotha-Altenburg Garde du Corps. How can you not paint up that “crack unit”.

Nassau 1st and 2nd Regiments (1st & 2nd CotR) with chasseurs a cheval behind, then alongside is the 3rd Frankfurt a Main contingent. Next is the 4th regt. with Saxon Duchies.

Another view of the 3rd (Frankfurt a Main), 4th (Saxon Duchies) and 5th (Lippe, Anhalt) CotR regiments. The Saxon Gotha-Altenburg Garde du Corps makes another appearance.

R to L: CotR 3rd Regt (Frankfurt), 4th Regt (Saxon Duchies), 5th Regt. (Lippe, Anhalt)

Crossing the road we have the 6th CotR regiment (r to l). The 1st btn. has Schwarzburg-Sodershausen and Schwarzburg-Ruddolstadt. The 2nd btn. has Reuss and Waldeck contingent formed up. Further along the road can be viewed the Oldenburg btn. In the foreground, the 7th or Würzburg regiment is shown with three battalions and their artillery batteries.

R to L: 6th Regt. (Schwarzburg, Waldeck, Reuss), 7th Regt. (Würzburg)

The final contingent in WR’s Rhine states army is from Mecklenburg. The 8th CotR regiment consists of two battalions at right. Then the Mecklenburg artillery battery, two additional battalions of Mecklenberg-Schwerin then the two battalions of Mecklenburg-Strelitz infantry. Got that straight? Behind the battery is the Mecklenburg-Schwerin Garde btn. and the Mecklenburg hussars with freiwillgen jager (1813) detachment. French players remember them well for their charge at Mockern 1813. Leading as skirmishers we have the 1813 volunteer jagers detachment.

8th Regt. CotR Mecklenburg at right along with other Mecklenburg btns.

The Würzburg chevau-legers ride behind the Würzburg converged grenadiers. Some Dutch battalions (2nd and 4th regiments in Spain) front the woods edge. Pictured here since they station themselves in the Rhine states box. Always fun in Peninsular games with their light blue and pink facings.

Mecklenburg-Schwerin Garde, hussars with freiwilligen jagers and the yellow coated Garde du Corps sqn. 

Last few units…..featured in the rear ranks (at top) we have Saxon Weimar carabiners, Saxon Weimar hussars and mtd. jagers at top, the Oldenburg btn., Hanseatic city “burghers” from Lübeck and Bremen (on road). The Isembourg-Hohenzollen btn. and Saxon Thuringen march btn. of 1813 (near trees) round out the army. Scattered about are various commanders and ADC’s to round out the army.

Oldenburg btn. with Hanseatic city burghers btns., some “vintage commanders” , the Isembourg-Hohenzollen btn. and the Saxon-Thuringen march btn. of 1813 in front of the woods.

Final view as the CotR marches forward to join the French or perhaps the Allied coalition.

Rear view as the CotR marches forward

WR’s Rhine states army was painted in the late 70s for a local group campaign. After painting several units…WR finished off all the Rhine states just in case the French call for “reinforcements”. Still waiting for that call….but meanwhile, the Rhine states fill in odd units to create visual effect and support on the tabletop. Their flexibility lends them to all campaigns during the 1806-1813 period.

Visit WR’s Napoleonic Game Rules: Videos & Files section tab for additional information on this army, including uniforms plates and army organization.

If you have odd unpainted miniatures in your collection….the Rhine states are always recruiting new players to their cause. They are a colorful brunch with lots of character. Check them out.


3 thoughts on “Confederation of the Rhine

  1. Wow, that’s an amazing collection! Even with the relatively small units, it is quite a few figures. Have you computed how many exactly? 🙂

    I must say that even with as many Napoleonic troops as I have, and as long as I’ve been at this I’ve yet to do any of the smaller contingents that make up the Rhinebund Divisions, such as these. My long tome wargames friend, Joe has, however… but certainly not the whole lot!

    • Peter,

      Headcount for the Rhine states is 239 miniatures:
      220 Infantry miniatures
      16 Cavalry
      5 Commanders / ADC’s
      3 batteries with crew

      Painted at 1:100 scale ratio common for our gaming group games. So… roughly 23,900 represented soldiers. I omitted the Dutch btns. (2×6) from above count since they would be under the Kingdom of Holland banner. Once you painted a Rhinebund battalion….there is no turning back….Austrians, Frenchmen, Prussians. Russians will never be the same.

      P.S. Best for the New Year in gaming.

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