COE Battle of Dara 530 AD.

Opening scenario game for Year 2021 at the warren. First Saturday of January, the warren game room staged the Clash of Empires (COE) 28mm historical Battle of Dara 530 AD, displaying John’s newly painted Sassanids vs. the Late Romans (Byzantine) collections of David and WR. Seven players came to the game warren, two travelled down from the central valley region of California, two up from Long Beach.

You Tube Battle of Dara 530 AD Part II link. A 14 minute video showing the battle plans and conflict outside the city walls of Dara in530 A.D.. This is a two part video, the first part discusses the ancient political scene, before the battle, between the two empires if interested.

The opening scenario with both armies deployed upon the desert tabletop. Persian Sassanids at left, the late Romans and city walls of Dara at right. Table size 12’x6′. Seven players ready to go.

Army Rosters: First the Sassanids with COE 5,665 points in their field army deployed before Dara: Sassanid Roster Dara 530AD (.xls) file with unit data, weapons, morale etc..

Unit of Zhayedan Immortal (12x miniatures) cavalry.

Four units of Savaran (Clibanarii) (12x or 10x) cavalry each.

Parthian horse archers (12x) cavalry.

Three units of Persian / Median infantry (28x) each with half bow / spear formation.

Two units of Paighan spear infantry (24x) each.

Three units of Persian archer skirmishers (15x) each.

Unit of Subject slingers (10x).

Three Indian elephants / howdah and two archer crewmen each.

The Late Roman or Byzantine army fielded a smaller force overall at COE 4,666 points: Late Roman Roster Dara 530AD (.xls) file with unit data, weapons, morale etc..

Unit of Bukellari Bodyguard (12x miniatures) cavalry.

Unit of Bukellari (12x) cavalry.

Unit of Comitatensis (10x) cavalry.

Three more Comitatenses (10x) cavalry each.

Heruli (10x) cavalry (flanking unit).

Hun cavalry skirmishers (10x).

Massagetae cavalry skirmishers (10x).

Three Limitani infantry (22x) each, with spear and bow mixture.

Three Psiloi skirmisher infantry (12x) each; two units w/bow, one w/javelin.

City wall Psiloi archers (20x) manning the Dara walls.

Deployment: Deployments for both sides followed the historical record, just allowing the Late Roman or Sassanid player teams to shift specific units, but not types of units, in their right, central, and left flank zones. Sassanid army had to divide their cavalry units between the two flanks and place all infantry in the center of their battle line. Only the Sassanid elephants had freedom of zonal deployment. For the Late Roman army a similar deployment with two exceptions. The Heruli cavalry is placed in ambush (see ambush rule below) and the Bukallari Bodyguard cavalry, with one other cavalry unit, placed before Dara city walls, behind all the Late Roman infantry likewise placed in the center. The remaining Late Roman cavalry is then equally divided between the two flanks, deployed behind the trench or ditch position. Review the following deployment photographs for more clarity.

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WR’s FOW 1/72 or 20mm basing

WR stated way back in YR2004 with his first Flames of war (FOW) game using Version 1.0 of the rules and supplement books. So WR has seen the many little problems which pop up when using the larger miniature and the FOW rules, all which date back to that YR2004 beginning period. Basing the miniatures quickly came to the forefront. WR couldn’t base the same number of 20mm miniature on their 15mm infantry team basing. So, WR had to make different basing arrangements, keeping in mind the larger basing sizes would have on rules and game play. The thought of collecting the FOW 15mm miniatures wasn’t an option. The WWII collection was all 1/72, 1/76. or 20mm, some painted, with many more unbuilt 1/72 kits and miniatures to construct and paint. So WR knew he was going along his own path, as most FOW gamers locally used the Battlefront 15mm miniatures, and hence the standard FOW basing footprint. After some trial and error, WR came up with the following basing system for his FOW WWI, WWII, and his future Korea war or Vietnam war based collections.

Materials: WR uses basic vinyl or linoleum floor tiles 12″x12″ and 1/8″ thick size for his FOW basing material. The common boxed floor tiles found in most hardware stores for about 80 cents per sheet and comes in various shades or texture design. WR purchases the box of 40 sheets and tends to use the lighter shades of vinyl tile thus making writing the unit identification on base easy to see and read on his FOW bases. With the 1/8″ edge, the ability to finger grip the based miniature aids in miniature movement and avoids grabbing the actual miniatures to shift the based miniatures or vehicle tabletop position every turn. Far in the past WR used thick and dense artist board or wood, such as basswood or balsa for basing, but found the bases tended to wrap. Should note the tile material has a bit of weight feel to the basing vs. wood or paper products. If the vinyl tile bases wrap, a little heat quickly bends them to flat state.

Side note: For his naval ship models (1/700 scale) display and textured gaming sea state base, the darker grey or blue floor tile used.

Tools: Pencils, rulers, small band saw, table sander, hand pliers, wide blade hand file, and plastic bowl or bags for tile cutting debris,

Vinyl or linoleum standard tile sheets (grey and light brown here). Hand pliers, wide hand file, his table sander and band saw equipment. Note the sample infantry base at the sander disc wheel.

Process: First measure out and draw the cutting lines on the tile sheet. using pencils and ruler. The basing size templates are written about / noted below depending on the basing unit. After marking the vinyl floor tile sheet with lines, WR cuts the tile piece with a simple band saw. Hand feed the band saw with material and follow drawn lines. Keep the cutting straight with slight adjustments while cutting and keep fingers clear of the band saw blade. WR typically does two to three sheets at a time, placing excess standard large or small infantry bases, or standard 12″ length strips cut to common widths like 1.75″, 2″ etc. into a future use box. Once the basic shapes cut WR then uses the hand pliers to nip off each base corner to a slight degree. After all bases nicked, the bases are corner sanded to smooth the corner curve using his table sander disc. Basically just smooth the sharp double points at each nicked corner by holding the base material against the rotating sanding disc just lightly. The sander can quickly reduce your vinyl bases to uneven shape,, so lightly goes the process. If no table sander available, WR in his past has used a basic wide hand file to round the nicked base corners. Keep in mind the table sander will create dust and fine vinyl particles of material so WR recommends a common mask while operating the table sander in open air. WR “rounds the corners” lto avoid the hard 90′ angular base corner look on the tabletop and avoids base stacking if the base is slightly turned. Keep those small base corner nick material or larger excess trimming material, in a plastic bowl or tub. WR has found many uses for the odd shaped cut offs including creating ruins and fallen brickwork texture on his FOW bases ( link: Military Trains, Tolley, Ruins and Rubble). This completes the base material process, the next steps are painting the base with paint, applying textured terrain, affixing the miniatures, and label the base with unit identification

Same equipment, just a clear view of the equipment. Sander is a xxxx. The band saw is a xxxx. Vinyl or linoleum tile will dull band saw blase after thousand bases so have spare on hand.

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Other Games YR2019-2020

As WR works on his upcoming 28mm Clash of Empires Battle of Dara 530 AD report, he found several ten photo files of past late YR2019 and YR2020 games unreported on Wargamerabbit. These ten games were either “pick up scenarios”, test game scenarios, or WR found the photo log too incomplete to write up a full AAR blog article. Most are Flames of War games fought out in Russia, in Italy at Salerno or Anzio, the Ardennes Bulge 1944 period, or even in Greece 1941 with fallschirmjager and EW British/Greeks. Other games include a grand 28mm WWI trench assault/raid game at David’s (fellow gamer), and two more 25/28mm napoleonic Peninsular battles. The scenario results or outcome, if WR remembers are noted, many of these scenario battles lasted to the final turns.

In order of blog article appearance, I list the photo grouping, if you wish to scroll for your favorite gaming era. Most miniatures and terrain from the WR collections unless noted from David, Bruce, or Gary’s collections;

1).  Peninsular War 25/28mm Battle of Almonacid 1809

2).  F;ames of War (15mm) German Fallschirmjager airborne landing in Greece

3).  Flames of War (20mm) Ordeal of the 179th Regiment at Salerno 1943 replay

4).  Flames of War (15mm) Panzer Invasion Russia 1941 “Meet the Train: scenario

5).  Flames of War (20mm) Operation Fischfang 1943 Anzio scenario

6).  Flames of War (20mm) Rail yard raid 1943: Soviet Partizans vs. German rail security

7).  Warhammer 1917 “Over the Top” 28mm Trench raid/assault scenario (at David’s)

8).  Peninsular War 25/28mm Battle of Vimeiro 1808 test game

9).  Flames of War (20mm) Bulge 1944 with Pz Brigade 150 with support vs. Americans

10). Flames of War (15mm) Bulge 1944. German Panzers vs. 99th American Division

First up: The Battle of Almonacid 1809 fought between the French and Spanish armies south of Madrid. French advanced from Madrid to confront the Spanish nearing the capital city. This scenario ran true to history with minor adjustment for the scenario notes. WR expects this scenario will become a full AAR scenario post this year.

Almonacid 1809 battlefield looks empty except for formation wooden blocks. These wooden green block saves lots of actual miniature movement till commands approach. Also great fog of war situation too.

When the commands reach deployment range, the 25/28mm napoleonic miniatures are deployed to the tabletop. Here the Spanish on left, the French on the right side of photo.

View from the opposite table end. The French flanking commands are pushing back the Spanish left flank. Castle hill upper right with nearby Almonacid village.

French cavalry charging in to repulse the Spanish weak cavalry attack. Miniature ratio 90:1 or 90 soldiers represents one miniature. Battalions of Infantry, cavalry regiments, or battery.

Later on the Spanish left retired to the nearby orchard. French, Poles, and the German division battalions seek them out.

French infantry battalions pressure the Spanish before Almonacid village and Castle hill. The hill was a linchpin for the Spanish late game defense. The “Yellow” order marker beneath the officer.

A fresh French division arrives marching up the roadway towards Almonacid. French for the win in this test scenario.

Second: FOW German Fallschirmjager landing in Greece 1941. This was WR’s first FOW scenario or game using German glider models. Scenario had German Fallschirmjager land by glider or chutes on the double tabletop. Defending a Greek port was  British infantry company and inland, a Greek infantry company. WR”s air-landing company took the village after hard door to door battles but the Greeks totally owned the Fallschirmjager who landed by their chutes. Miniatures and terrain for this scenario from Bruce and Gary’s FOW 15mm collections. Continue reading

FOW France 1944 – Daniel’s First Scenario

This Flames of war scenario, completely designed by Daniel (son) on his own without any assistance from WR, came as a total surprise to WR. He converted an online electronic game scenario to a suitable FOW scenario, drew up the scenario map below by hand, and decided to use the Ver3.0 “Forces” book, part of the trilogy of books packaged with the MRB FOW V3.0 to create the armies of play. Therefore the platoons involved are basic in the ETO France 1944 format but nonetheless fun to game with. The scenario setting has two forces advancing (encounter like mission), meeting near two central tabletop French villages, one on a hillside, the other atop a hill mound, both villages divided by a waterway. The hillsides are covered with woods or orchard at the hill top, while in the flat land, Daniel placed grain fields, hedges, and low stone walls. Overall a great first effort. The only change WR suggested was remove the waterway, as it will divide the table into two halves. The AAR below represents the non waterway scenario. Scenario length set at ten complete turns on the 6×8′ table. Control more objective markers than your opponent for win placed using standard FOW Ver3.0 placement rules.

Daniel’s first hand drawn FOW scenario map. Set in French countryside, the Germans entered on top edge, the Americans the lower edge, starting up to 12″ from the table edge. Table 6’x8′ size.

Scenario forces: Both 2000 point forces taken directly from the Ver 3.0 “Forces” book. Daniel played the Germans using a Heer Gepanzerte Panzergrenadier company with supports (1990 points). WR used an American Armored Rifle company with support (1990 points).

Heer Gepanzete Panzergrenadier Co. HQ: CoCmd, 2iC SMG teams, 2x Sd Kfz 251/1 [65 pts]. Noted that no panzerfaust or panzerknackers armed teams in use. Two objective markers.

Three Gepanzerte PzGrenadier platoons: Cmd, Sd kfz 251/10, 6x MG teams, 3x Sd Kfz 251/1 each [660 pts].

Infantry Gun Platoon (highjacked from a local Grenadier company I expect): Cmd, 2x 7.5cm leIG18, Obs. team [65 pts].

PzGrenadier AA gun platoon: 2x Sd Kfz 10/5 2cm [60 pts].

Heavy tank platoon: 3x Tiger I E [645 pts]. Ouch!

Artillery battery: Cmd, Staff team, 2x Obs. teams, 4x 10.5cm leFH18 [210 pts].

Panzerspah Patrol: 3x Sd Kfz 234/2 Puma 5cm AC [150 pts].

Limited Air Support: Ju 87G Stuka [135 pts].

For the Americans, WR rostered a standard Armored Rifle company (1990 points) with the following platoons:

Armored Rifle Co. HQ: CoCmd, 2iC Carbine teams, Baz. team, Jeep, M3 H/T w/50 cal. Sherman recovery tank [45 pts]. Two objective markers.

Two Armored Rifle platoons: Cmd, 5x Rifle teams, 5x Baz. teams, 2x M1919 LMG, 2x M3 H/T w/50 cal., 3x M3 H/T w/AA MG each [450 pts].

Armored Mortar platoon: Cmd, M3 H/T w/50 cal., 3x M4 81mm mortar [60 pts].

Armored Assault gun platoon: 3x M8 Scott HMC [105 pts].

Tank platoon: 5x M4a1 Sherman [320 pts].

Tank platoon: 5x M4a1 (76mm) Sherman [470 pts].

Field Artillery: Cmd, Staff team, Obs. team, jeep. 4x M2a1 105mm [140 pts].

Field Artillery: Cmd, Staff team, Obs. team, jeep, 4x M1 155mm [210 pts].

Priority Air support: P 47 Thunderbolts [190 pts].

General view of the tabletop showing the raising hillside village at top and mound top village with church below. American on left, the Germans at right in starting positions.

Deployment: First WR’s deployment. From left to right WR deployed one AR platoon in halftracks facing the hillside village supported by his M8 Scott HMC assault guns. Center position the M4a1 75mm Sherman platoon, the Armored M4 81mm Mortars, then the other AR platoon, in their halftracks to their right. Lastly the M4a1 (76mm) Sherman platoon held the right before the mound village and Daniel’s Tigers. Command wise the CoCmd team went with the left AR platoon, the 2iC team with the right AR platoon. Continue reading

FOW Pz Brigade 150 vs. US 28th Infantry

Another game from the backlog files of CoVid YR2020. This Flames of War (FOW) version 3.0 scenario is a home grown scenario. Back in June 2020 we had an early summer like heat wave so Daniel and WR optioned for a “cool” scenario from the Bulge 1944 time period. Since WR had just finished up painting his Panzer Brigade 150 ersatz Panthers and StuG platoons, plus his Skorzeny commandos in their captured jeeps, the choice ready made. An uneven point scenario with the advancing Germans having 2000 points vs. the defending Americans with 1830 points and a patch of Ardennes to defend. All the special rules found in the Battlefront “Devil’s Charge” supplement booklet in play, the “disguises” of captured equipment, some sheet metal, English speaking Germans, rampant rumors, American bulldog rule, snowy frozen ground, and more. Plus bad weather for once.

The wintery tabletop with Pz. Brigade 150 ready to launch their assault on the American line. On left flank Daniel has his Pumas, SS Jager platoons, heavy SS 12cm mortars and ersatz StuG platoon. The remaining SS 12cm mortar platoon  sets up mid table.

Since this scenario was a “pick up game” there is no hand drawn scenario map for the 6×8 table. A typical Ardennes countrywide with forest, narrow river waterway and crossroad villages, all draped in snowy ground was laid out. Unlike many Bulge scenarios which WR has played over the years, this one has weather. Lots of cold temperatures, cloud cover, and ground fog to keep any pilots home in their warm cots and American artillery observers seeing German panzer shadows.

Forces: The starting line up for both sides, first the Germans with their Pz. Brigade 150 force under Daniel’s control (2000 points). Pz. Brigade 150 SS teams are all rated Fearless Trained (FT) unless noted.

Pz. Brigade Tank Company HQ: Co. Cmd SMG Pzf., 2iC team SMG Pzf., both with captured jeeps. [75] pts.

Skorzeny Commandos: 4x Skorzeny Commando jeeps rated Fearless Veteran (FV) [200] pts.

Ersatz Panther platoon: 3x Ersatz Panthers [550] pts.

Ersatz StuG platoon: 3x Ersatz StuG [285] pts.

Two SS Jager platoon: Cmd/Pzf, R/MG Pzf, 6x R/MG [420]pts.

Two SS Heavy Mortar platoons: Each with Cmd, Obs. team, 4x 12cm mortar teams [2×160] pts.

Ersatz Panzerspah platoon: 3x Sd Kfz 234/2 Puma [150] pts.

On the right Daniel started his ersatz panther platoon with plans to shift towards the central town at upper left. WR set up two of his Outpost platoons to guard the upper right roadway.

WR’s American force represents the “Bloody Bucket” or 28th US Infantry taken from the same “Devil’s Charge” FOW supplement. WR deployed his Perimeter Outpost fortified company miniatures to try and stem Daniel’s advancing Panzer Brigade 150 ersatz panzers and SS infantry. Perimeter Outpost and support teams are rated Reluctant Veteran (RV) for this scenario report unless noted: Continue reading

FOW Cole’s Charge 1944

This Flames of War (FOW) scenario came from the former “What Would Patton Do (WWPD)” blog site several years ago. WR saved the scenario file for a future game and this last summer, Daniel and WR set up the game scenery, pulled WR’s WW2 FOW miniatures, and played out the tabletop action. Cole’s Charge is based upon an actual June 11, 1944 battle at Ingouf farm in Normandy, between the 3rd Battalion 502nd Parachute IR and their counterparts in the German army… 6th Fallschirmjager Regiment. Read the full scenario file below for more details and any internet search under “Lt. Colonel Cole, Ingouf farm, 502nd Parachute Regiment in Normandy, Purple Heart Lane” should access additional historical background material.

What Would Patton Do (WWPD) written scenario .pdf file: Coles Charge 1944 

With WR’s 20mm miniatures in position and table snacks within arm reach, the scenario opens with the fallschirmjager position shelled by several batteries of American off table 105mm artillery. In FOW 3.0 MRB terms a preliminary pre-scenario start bombardment action. Every tabletop deployed German team rolls their fate 6D, except for warrior teams, and survivors end the bombardment pinned to the ground. A roll of 4+ removes the team.

Opening scenario scene. The American artillery pounds the German Fallschirmjagers positioned around the farm and orchards.  Then switch to smoke rounds to cover the American advance.

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Battle of Evora 1808 AAR

Memorial Day weekend WR and his son Daniel played out the Battle of Evora 1808 scenario written on Wargamerabbit (Oct 2018). Hard to believe it has been eighteen months since the last historical (non pick-up) napoleonic battle reported here on WR, so plans for at least one more battle during the future summer months. Especially since WR’s “hiding from CoVID-19” FOW 20mm  painting spree is slowing down, mostly from hand brush fatigue. You can only paint so many Italians platoons / companies / or support units for the Greek 1940 war, Russia 1942-43 eastern front, and of course, the North African desert theater, before you see pasta floating before your eyes. So time to change gears and return to the Horse and Musket era.

To set the opening stage for Battle of Evora 1808, the French, under General of Division Louis Henri Loison, have marched a strong mobile column from Lisbon to relieve the border fortress of Elvas, currently under pathetic siege or blockage by Portuguese militia. While marching towards Elvas they approached the city of Evora and confrontation by a hasty raised Portuguese and Spanish “army in name”, standing before Evora’s city walls. The Iberian army was under command of GenLt. Francisco de Paulo Leite, a former a naval officer. Open field battle offered, with trained and tested French seasoned battalions vs. mostly ragtag militia, except for the small Spanish contingent under Colonel Moretti, the pending battle appeared to the French command officers as a hopeless stand. From a scenario point of view this battle wouldn’t see the light of day on most gamer’s tables, but WR wished to see how the napoleonic era house rules handled a battle like Evora. Unequal in training and tabletop abilities, veteran vs. militia, musket vs. pikes….. couldn’t be anything close to a normal open field battle.

General view of the scenario set-up. French brigades arrive lower left corner of table. Portuguese in table center and  small Spanish command at lower right corner. Evora city wall in background.

Spanish & Portuguese Order of Battle:

Scenario map drawn at 600 yards per map square. Each map square is 12″. Weather is dry, clear with light clouds. Map legend at right of image.

Scenario map showing initial positions using command markers. Map squares are 12″ and drawn at 50 yards to inch ground scale. French upper left, Spanish lower left, leaves Portuguese in center.

Another view of scenario start deployment. French upper left, Spanish lower left, and the Portuguese table center at right.

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FOW Western Desert 1940

This past week the warren theater of operations changed from the Russian front to the cold December 1940 desert of western Egypt. The British, for background, have started Operation Compass, seeking to dislodge and repulse the Italian invasion of the Egyptian western desert region since September 1940. For weeks the Italians have remained stationary in their “fortified camps” after a short advance period, strung across the open desert, loosely linked by occasional patrols and rear support formations. Seeing this general inactivity, the British and Commonwealth forces under General Richard O’Connor started their local offensive to dislodge the Italians. First day operations went all too well, with the overrunning of several camps. WR’s Flames of War (FoW) scenario below is somewhat based upon an Italian fortified camp being assaulted by British and Commonwealth units, while giving the Italian a chance with the introduction of a localized Italian counterattack…. some Italian armor, such as it was in late 1940. The scene unfolds with the British and Commonwealth infantry and supporting armor deployed to assault the Italian lines. Matildas all gassed up, while Vickers light tank mkVIIb heard gunning their motors to race forward. For the allied infantry, Daniel’s choice was Indians or WR’s painted “Gurkhas” on the tabletop, painted years ago and never been used till last week. should note Gurkhas are a bit early for appearance in the desert war but basically Indian army in structure, so they will fit the platoon organization requirement to represent the Indian 4th Division. For the Italians, WR assumed the command. Positioned in their prepared wired and mined trench lines, the Italians were Posizione di Fucilieri infantry manning the trenches with a counterattack force of M11/39 and the “dune buggy” CV35 tankettes held in reserves. The possible showdown of CV35 vs. Vickers mkVIIb awaits it seems. Scenario starting position set up based upon “Hold the Line” scenario mission template and provides the victory objective conditions.

Opening scene on the desert. British and Commonwealth infantry at right. The Italians trench lines at left. Weather clear but cold for time of year, it is December 1940. British objectives placed.

The forces for each side in the upcoming tabletop scenario. For the British and Indians Daniel uses the British Rifle company list, found in FoW Hellfire and Back book, with special use exception granted for the Vickers light tank company [1800 points]:

Rifle Company HQ: CoCmd and 2iC teams. [25 pts.]

Three Indian rifle platoons: Each wit Cmd, 6x R/MG teams, ATR, lt. mortar team. [3x 175 pts.]

Mortar 3″ platoon: Cmd, Obs, four 3″ mortar teams. [110 pts.]

Royal Artillery troop: Cmd, Obs, Staff, four 25lb mostly off table except for observer. [395 pts.]

Matilda troop: Cmd. Matilda, and Matilda mkII. [475 pts.]

Vickers mkVII company: HQ platoon with Cmd mkVII, 2ic MkVII and one more mkVII. Then two armored platoons of Cmd MkII, two mkVII tanks. All total nine Vickers mkVIIb tanks organized in three platoons. [90 +180 or 270 pts.]

View from the opposite table edge. Allied on left, Italians on right. The Vickers mkVIIb gun their motors to race ahead, followed by the Indian infantry teams (three platoons worth).

For the Italians WR rostered the following units from the Hellfire and Back Posizione di Fucilieri list [1745 points]. Several platoons start as delayed reserves or ambush position and so marked below in list:

Italian HQ: CoCmd, 2iC teams. [25 pts.]

Three Fucilieri Posizione platoons: Cmd, six rifle/MG teams, 47/32 nest, HMG nest, trench lines, 2x barbwire and 1x mines. [3x 285 pts.]

Mortar platoon: Cmd, Obs., three mortar teams w/gun positions. [80 pts.]

Anti-Tank platoon: Cmd, four 37/45 A/T guns (as foil for Vickers mkVII company exception above). In ambush position at scenario start [120 pts.]

Demolisher platoon: Cmd, six Pioneer rifle teams, two lt. mortars. In delayed reserve status. [145 pts.]

Howitzer battery: Cmd, Obs., staff. four 100/17 cannon held as off table artillery w/gun positions. In delayed reserve status [205 pts.]

Medium Tank platoon: Cmd M11/39 and four M11/39 tanks. In delayed reserve status [215 pts.]

Tankette platoon: Cmd L3/35 with three L3/35 tankettes. In delayed reserve status [100 pts.] Continue reading

Станция 19 (Station 19) FOW

One week after playing out the Flames of War July 1944 Soviet breakthrough vs. German blocking force scenario (Eastern Front at home), WR and Daniel (son) had the opportunity to play another FOW scenario. This time the scenario setting was a continuation of the Soviet breakthrough theme during 1944, but deeper in the German rear area around a village, a train station numbered 19 (Станция 19), and Sicherungskompanie (Security) compound. Soviet tanks have broken through the German shattered front line and Soviet STAVKA has ordered airdropped paratroopers to link up with the local organized Soviet Partisan brigades to lead the partisans in disruption and destruction, thus aiding and expanding the Soviet breakthrough.

Station 19 Scenario Notes (.doc) file: Station 19 Scenario notes

Daniel’s Soviet Partizanskiy Brigada (Partisans) consists of the following companies and all rated Confident Conscript (CC) unless noted [Red Bear book pg. 112, 1505 points in total]:

Partizanskiy Brigada HQ: CoCmd, 2iC team, and three light mortars. [65 pts.]

Three Parizanskiy companies: Each of Cmd, komissar, and 21x rifle teams. Up to three rifle teams in entire force can be exchanged for ATR teams. [3x 220 pts.]

Partizanskiy mortar company: Cmd, Obs, six 82mm mortars. [90 pts.]

Partizanskiy MG company: Cmd, six HMG teams. [115 pts.]

Partizanskiy Scout platoon: Cmd, 4x SMG teams. These are the airdropped paratroopers who joined the partisans. Fearless Veteran rated (FV)[165 pts.]

Tankovy company: Cmd T34/85, 4x T34/85, all with cupola for better vision, as the part as the breakthrough train chasing column of tanks at scenario start. Confident Trained rated (CT)[410 pts.]

Peaceful German Sicherungskompanie (Security) compound watches as the security train arrives at the station 19 (Станция 19) Soviet village.

German Sicherungskompanie HQ at Станция 19 hears the outpost phone ring. Soviet T34/85 tanks are approaching the village from the east, following the rail line and chasing the arriving security train. Calling all the Sicherungs platoon sector outposts, the platoon lieutenants report seeing advancing partisans from the northern and southern sectors as their soldiers man their foxholes, their security team dogs* barking loudly. The security train has two Sicherung platoons on board, hoping to disembark before the Soviet tanks open fire on the slowing train and join the village defense. Calling the nearby aerodrome, the Sicherungskompanie commander requests air support with some Ju87 Stukas, mainly to deal with the Soviet tank column as his local A/T unit asset is worn out captured T34/76 tanks. Nearby, a local motorized artillery battery is also contacted, as they had dinner last night in the village, while passing through the area in transit. For reasons untold, their observers stayed behind till this morning to leave.

WR’s Sicherungskompanie compound structured with the following platoons and rated Reluctant Trained (RT) unless noted [1260 points]:

Sicherungskompanie HQ: CoCmd, 2iC team, two HMG teams, and two 8cm mortars kampfgruppe with a “recruited” observer team, and 2iC team to command them. [100 pts.]

Four Sicherungs platoons (Lithuanian, Latvian, and two Ukrainian): Each of Cmd, 6x rifle teams and maybe a “dog* team. Two start in village compound, two start on board the rail security train. [4x 80 pts.]

Sicherungs Scout platoon: Cmd, 4x rifle teams each with dogs.* [110 pts.]

Sicherungs Armored car patrol: Cmd Sd kfz 221 and two more Sd kfz 221. [60 pts.]

Sicherungs Infantry gun platoon: Cmd, Obs. team, two 7.5cm LeIG18 guns. [45 pts.]

Feldgendarmerie platoon: Four Feldgendarmerie teams to attach out. These teams are attached to the Lithuanian, Latvian, and Ukrainian Sicherungs platoons and act like Soviet kommissar team. [40 pts.]

Captured tank platoon: Command T34/76 and one other T34/76 mod 1942. [95 pts.]

Motorized artillery battery: Cmd, two observers, staff, 4x 10.5cm leFH18. All teams off board except for two observer teams. Confident Veteran (CV) rated. [210 pts.]

Air support sporadic: JU87 Stuka with bombs. [100 pts.]

Two dog handler rifle teams. See notes below on use.

The rail security train has the locomotive, two infantry cars (four passenger MG, two per side) for the boarded Sicherungs platoons mentioned above, and two light artillery cars with one 7.5cm cannon and one 2cm Flak38 AA in each. Each train car and locomotive has improvised armor level 1 for limited armor protection. [120 pts.]

Security rail bound Armored car patrol: Cmd Panhard 178 Cmd., and one additional additional Panhard 178, rail bound only, arriving as delayed reserve. [60 pts.]

  • Note: The two independent dog teams are attached to the Lithuanian, Latvian, and Ukrainian Sicherungs platoons. The Sicherungs Scouts teams each have dogs. These “dog” teams give the infantry team the same capabilities for “Eyes & Ears” rules out to 16″ distance.
  • Scenario notes file has map details and deployment information.

Lurking nearby in the surrounding woods, massed Soviet partisan companies creep forward before the alarm is sounded. This view shows “southern” sector with two partisan companies and HMG.

Aerial view from the western table edge and west bound security train chased by Soviet Tankovy column starting the scenario. Soviets will have first movement and importantly, first firing.

Aerial view of the “Southern” sector crawling with two Soviet partisan companies creeping into jump off position. A returning Ju87 flies overhead, radioing in they will be back.

Opening positions: From the “northern” side the Soviets have deployed one Partizan company, their 82mm mortar company, the arriving T34/85 company following the railroad and security train into the village, and lastly the paratrooper scout platoon around the partisan HQ group with light mortars. On the opposite or “southern” flank to the station village, two full partizan companies and supporting HMG company await the flare signal to attack. Continue reading

FOW 1944 Eastern front at home

Last weekend, WR and his son Daniel faced off across the socially dividing wargame table. The scenario gave WR a break from his month long isolation of miniature painting and organization effort, toss stale dice, and just game out an unrecorded Flames of War 20mm battle set someplace on the Eastern front during Operation Bagration (July 1944). Having decided which Soviet or German force structure to choose from and pointed out the respective forces, Daniel set to work to place terrain on the 6’x4′ tabletop. WR in the meantime located the required 20mm miniatures from the respective Soviet or German storage boxes, organized the platoons or companies, and placed them on a nearby side table before deployment.

The advanaged Soviet Peredovoye Otryad (Forward Detachment) tank company force (from FOW Red Bear p.76) represented a breakthrough column seeking to seek and disrupt the German rear area, control critical avenues of advance, and cause general havoc when possible. The German force was chosen from the Sperrverband infantry company (Security) organization found in Grey Wolf (p.94). Their task was to confront and block further Soviet advance by their Peredovoye Otryad/ Forward Detachment. Scenario to last eight turns, Objective control count to determine scenario winner or draw.

Soviet Peredovoye Otryad/ Forward Detachment (All are Fearless trained unless noted, 1910 pts.):

Force HQ (FT): Battalion Cmd. team, 2iC team, with two personal vehicles. [30 pts.]

Motorstrelkovy company (FT): Cmd, 21x SMG teams of three platoons, and two Markin HMG teams. [420]

Motorstrelkovy mortar company (FT): Cmd, Obs team, 6x 8cm mortar teams. [125]

T34/85 company (FT w/hen Chick)): Cmd T34/85, 4x T34/85 tanks. [440]

IS85 Guard company (FT): Cmd IS85, 4x IS85 tanks. [645]

Motorstrelkovy artillery battery (FT): Cmd, Staff, Obs. team, 8x ZIS 76mm cannon deployed on the tabletop. [250]

German Sperrverband company (Reluctant veteran unless noted, 1735 pts.):

Sperrverband Co. HQ (RV): Co. Cmd, 2ic team, two panzerschreck team. [90 pts.]

Sperr pioneer platoon (RV): Cmd (pzf), 6x R/MG pioneer teams. [200]

Sperr platoon (RV): Cmd (pzf), 6x R/MG teams (HMG teams replaced with two additional R/MG teams. [140]

Sperr platoon (RV): Cmd (pzf), 6x R/MG teams as above. [140]

Sperr platoon (RV): Cmd (pzf), 4x R/MG teams only. [110]

Panzerpioneer platoon (CV): Cmd, 6x MG pioneer teams with pioneer truck (carrying minefield). [230]

Speer Assault gun platoon (RV): Cmd StuG G, 2x StuG G tanks, [255]

Speer A/T Platoon (RV): Cmd, 4x Pak40 7.5cm A/T cannon. [185]

Luftwaffe Heavy AA platoon (RT): Cmd. 2x 8.8cm Flak 37 cannon. [185]

Offtable Motorized artillery battery (CV): Cmd, Staff, 2x Obs. teams, 4x LeFH18 10.5cm cannon. Only the two observer teams deploy on the tabletop. [210]

Soviet deployment on left, Germans deployment at right. See text for platoon commentary. Hills are minor, Woods are bog skill check. Low stone wall and crop fields slow going and give concealment for foot/A/T teams only.


Initial Deployments: First the Soviet (Daniel’s) deployment. Mortar company behind the far left hill with single tree. On left low hill towards the road the IS 85 Guard tank company. In center near roadway the ZIS 76mm battery in rear line, then the Motorstrelkovy SMG company and T34/85 company. Soviet HQ with Motorstrevlkovy teams entering right flank woods. Continue reading