COE Roman Armies

For the regulars, who stopped by the warren blog this December, may noticed the lack of recent December posts. Even gaming was curtailed for bad weather one weekend here in So. California, and except for two Flames of War games, the month’s time was totally absorbed by the Project. The Project (Roman) was continuance of the Clash of Empires (COE) rules miniature basing and organization effort, started back in 2nd quarter 2018 with the WR’s Chariot era 25/28mm collections, Evenings of planning, organization of miniature units to the Clash of Empires system, glued fingers, worn brushes, trips to the local stiff wire hardware store, and shipping orders arriving on the doorstep, adding to the patio pile of tabletop confusion mentioned in my prior COE miniatures project post. Streamlined now, the quick process results pictured below show the effort involved for six COE Ancient Roman era armies. For background details on the basing, organization, and inventory bookkeeping process, see WR’s previous post:  COE Chariot era armies

The six Ancient Roman Clash of Empires (COE) army collections completed during the Project: Early Rome (Kingdom) & Italian City States, Republican Rome, Late Republican Rome including Caesarian period, Early Imperial Rome, then Middle (2nd / 3rd Century) and Late Imperial Rome armies.

First up is the Early Rome and Italian City State Clash of Empires (COE) collection. These units will fill out the ranks for Rome’s armies or be opponents against the growth of Rome. Still weak in cavalry (or chariots), small tabletop actions like “border” disputes or cattle raids are planned.

Wargamerabbit’s Clash of Empires 25/28mm Early Rome – Italian City States era ancient army collection formed for review as of Dec 2018.

Side view of the Early Rome – Italian City State collection. Italian Greeks at top, Samnites and Romans lower half.

Republican Rome and Late Republican era collections covers the period after the Kingdom of Rome ended, to the Roman “Republican” era involvement in the Caesarian wars. This collection is large and some units date to the first ancient army collected by WR. The 25mm painted miniatures date back to the 1970’s and are the oldest WR has, originally based for WRG (3rd-5th edition) rules era.

Republican era Roman army collections. Might be the largest WR ancient collection at over 1000 painted miniatures.

On the left flank the Caesarian Roman contingent forms up.

Right flank of the Republican Rome maniples…. rank after rank of Roman might. Got Greeks or barbarians to test?

Right flank end of the might of Rome. Carthage never had a chance it seems.

Left flank view. Again the Caesarian Romans lower right corner.

After photographing the Republican, WR found these reinforcements in unlabeled storage box. Not too sure about “purple” uniforms.

Early Imperial Rome collection forms up after the Emperor takes control of Rome. The largest Roman collection of all the WR Roman era armies, it has 1200 miniatures, with 1027 painted for tabletop service.

Ranks of Romans. Short gladius swords ready to carve up any barbarian mobs.

Right flank of the Early Imperial Roman ranks.

Left flank of Imperial Rome.

Want to pick a war with Rome? The right flank end on view.

The other end shows the same power of drilled and disciplined Roman ranks.

Middle Imperial Rome collection (2nd and 3rd Century AD) reflects the height of the Roman Empire and the army is slowing changing to more garrison and incursion prevention. Smaller and more compact compared to the Early Imperial collection, they will be joined by the various allied kingdom and vassal states.

WR’s Imperial Roman 2nd / 3rd Century collection.

Right end on view of the 2nd and 3rd Century Imperial Rome collection. Seems the cavalry still needs the base work done.

Opposite view of the Middle Imperial Rome collection featuring the 2nd / 3rd Century period.

Late Imperial Rome is the last Roman era collection. Smaller and somewhat shows the decline of mighty Rome, this army will need allies to reinforce the battle line on the tabletop.

Late Imperial Rome collection forms up and awaits their allied constituents to join them to meet the invasion.

Left flank end on camera shot. Gone is the legionary trained. Now the shieldwall formation and cavalry on the battlefield.




Right flank view for Late Imperial Rome collection.

Update 01/03/2019: Just found these Late Imperial Rome miniatures in their own storage box. So it seems the Late Roman army can field an effective front to the incursions of Roman territory.

In recap, the Roman era 25/28mm miniature army collections show the following data stats:

Early Rome and Italian City States:  381 painted, 60 unpainted for total of 441 miniatures.

Republican Rome: 591 painted, 226 unpainted for a total of 817 miniatures.

Late Republican and Caesarian: 505 painted, 222 unpainted for a total of 727 miniatures.

Early Imperial Rome: 1027 painted, 179 unpainted for a total of 1206 miniatures.

Imperial Rome (2nd / 3rd Century):  505 painted, 40 unpainted for total of 545 miniatures.

Late Imperial Rome: 339 painted, 204 unpainted for total of 543 miniatures.

Grand total:  Shows 3348 painted, 931 unpainted therefore 4279 total Roman era miniatures in the Roman collections. Add the grand total for the Chariot era armies inventory, taken from the 2nd quarter report, gives current inventoried 25/28mm ancient army collection at 9655 miniatures, with 6272 (65%) painted and tabletop ready. Next up, in 2nd quarter 2019, should be the Greek, Persian, Macedonian, Successor states, and Carthage. Maybe, if time permits an inventory of the Barbarian horde for the sixth army, With this article post, WR closes out year 2018 and soon welcomes in Yr2019 with evening dancing and gathering of friends.

New Years cheer from the warren. To all the best with family, friends, and tabletop gaming in YR2019. WR received some pirate miniatures for christmas….. time to paint up and go sailing the Caribbean.


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