COE Battle of Dara 530 AD.

Opening scenario game for Year 2021 at the warren. First Saturday of January, the warren game room staged the Clash of Empires (COE) 28mm historical Battle of Dara 530 AD, displaying John’s newly painted Sassanids vs. the Late Romans (Byzantine) collections of David and WR. Seven players came to the game warren, two travelled down from the central valley region of California, two up from Long Beach.

You Tube Battle of Dara 530 AD Part II link. A 14 minute video showing the battle plans and conflict outside the city walls of Dara in530 A.D.. This is a two part video, the first part discusses the ancient political scene, before the battle, between the two empires if interested.

The opening scenario with both armies deployed upon the desert tabletop. Persian Sassanids at left, the late Romans and city walls of Dara at right. Table size 12’x6′. Seven players ready to go.

Army Rosters: First the Sassanids with COE 5,665 points in their field army deployed before Dara: Sassanid Roster Dara 530AD (.xls) file with unit data, weapons, morale etc..

Unit of Zhayedan Immortal (12x miniatures) cavalry.

Four units of Savaran (Clibanarii) (12x or 10x) cavalry each.

Parthian horse archers (12x) cavalry.

Three units of Persian / Median infantry (28x) each with half bow / spear formation.

Two units of Paighan spear infantry (24x) each.

Three units of Persian archer skirmishers (15x) each.

Unit of Subject slingers (10x).

Three Indian elephants / howdah and two archer crewmen each.

The Late Roman or Byzantine army fielded a smaller force overall at COE 4,666 points: Late Roman Roster Dara 530AD (.xls) file with unit data, weapons, morale etc..

Unit of Bukellari Bodyguard (12x miniatures) cavalry.

Unit of Bukellari (12x) cavalry.

Unit of Comitatensis (10x) cavalry.

Three more Comitatenses (10x) cavalry each.

Heruli (10x) cavalry (flanking unit).

Hun cavalry skirmishers (10x).

Massagetae cavalry skirmishers (10x).

Three Limitani infantry (22x) each, with spear and bow mixture.

Three Psiloi skirmisher infantry (12x) each; two units w/bow, one w/javelin.

City wall Psiloi archers (20x) manning the Dara walls.

Deployment: Deployments for both sides followed the historical record, just allowing the Late Roman or Sassanid player teams to shift specific units, but not types of units, in their right, central, and left flank zones. Sassanid army had to divide their cavalry units between the two flanks and place all infantry in the center of their battle line. Only the Sassanid elephants had freedom of zonal deployment. For the Late Roman army a similar deployment with two exceptions. The Heruli cavalry is placed in ambush (see ambush rule below) and the Bukallari Bodyguard cavalry, with one other cavalry unit, placed before Dara city walls, behind all the Late Roman infantry likewise placed in the center. The remaining Late Roman cavalry is then equally divided between the two flanks, deployed behind the trench or ditch position. Review the following deployment photographs for more clarity.

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COE Mercenary War AAR

Time to finish up several After Action reports (AAR) on recent New Year scenarios at the warren, David’s garage, and the Strategicon-OrcCon 2019 LAX convention. First AAR is an unusual Clash of Empires 28mm Mercenary War scenario, featuring defeated Carthage vs. their former hired mercenaries after the conclusion of the 1st Punic War. Before this afternoon of ancient tabletop warfare, WR must admit his knowledge of the post 1st Punic War Carthaginian wars was grossly lacking, in reality WR must state as nonexistent. So, welcome to the Battle of Bagradas River 240 B.C.

The Battle of the Bagradas River, or the Macar by another name (c. 240 BC), was fought by the loyal Carthaginian army (civic levy in most part) against former Carthaginian mercenaries awaiting payment for service after the peace of the 1st Punic War, and joined by rebelling Libyan cities. After the forces of Hanno the Great were defeated at Utica, and failed to engage the mercenaries afterwards despite favorable conditions, Carthage raised a new army under Hamilcar Barca in Carthage. Hamilcar managed to leave Carthage despite the lacking rebel blockade of the city and cross the Bagradas River (the ancient name of the Medjerda). Rebel armies from besieging Utica and the camp guarded the bridge on the Bagradas River. Hamilcar Barca, by brilliant maneuvering, defeated the combined rebel army. This was the first major Carthaginian victory of the war.

Sources for this period of Carthage are hard to come by, most could be viewed as secondary in their reporting. WR’s friend David Kometz used the following internet information for structure and background material for his COE tabletop Battle of Bargaras River scenario design. The Wikipedia article seems a good overview with some detail on this battle.

The Carthaginian army has surprised the rebels near their respective camps and marched on the tabletop fully deployed. They will set up 40cm from their long table edge with a deployment zone total width of eight feet, centered at the 16×6 table centerline. Thus they can deploy up to four feet from the table bisecting centerline, facing both enemy camps or either one individually. This is a important decision for the Carthage players to decide. The “Bridgehead” rebel Mercenary / Libyan levy camp starts near the stone bridge. All units start across the river, on the same side as the Carthaginian arriving army, placed along the river within 16″ of the bridge (either side), and cannot extend from river edge by 12″. The mercenary / Libyan units cannot cross the river via the bridge to avoid combat and are considered lost for scenario victory conditions if they cross. Units forced into the river are considered destroyed. The upriver “Riverbank” rebels start near their camp along the river near the short table edge. Like the “Bridgehead” camp, they must start within 16″ of the short table edge, measured from the table edge and river exit point. Scenario lasts eight turns with diced 50% chance for additional turns after the conclusion of turn eight. Carthage has first movement as the rebels seek to recover from their surprise reaction seeing the Carthaginians rearward approach. Victory based on total victory points calculation found in COE MRB pages 132-133.

The 16×6 foot table starting set up. Upper left deployed Carthaginian army. Upper right Mercenary /Libyan levy “Bridgehead” command. Foreground shows “Riverbank” mercenary /Libyans.

Terrain notes: A simple straight gravel road somewhat bisects the table near the center point and crosses the bridge. The stone bridge crosses the Bargaras River off-center to the table centerline by 6″ it seems viewing the post battle photos. A small riverside marsh or swampy ground is placed about 2 feet from the bridge, again view the photos for size and placement. Otherwise, the tabletop battlefield is open with scattered light bushes to break up the flatness. Note: The bridge procession is worth extra victory points if controlled by the Carthaginians or likewise, control the “Riverbank” force’s encampment tents as told to the mercenary rebellion player side. Extra victory points unknown to WR during game but I think it was 50 VP per site.

Closer view of the “Bridgehead” mercenary / Libyan command tightly camped at the bridge.

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COE Roman Armies

For the regulars, who stopped by the warren blog this December, may noticed the lack of recent December posts. Even gaming was curtailed for bad weather one weekend here in So. California, and except for two Flames of War games, the month’s time was totally absorbed by the Project. The Project (Roman) was continuance of the Clash of Empires (COE) rules miniature basing and organization effort, started back in 2nd quarter 2018 with the WR’s Chariot era 25/28mm collections, Evenings of planning, organization of miniature units to the Clash of Empires system, glued fingers, worn brushes, trips to the local stiff wire hardware store, and shipping orders arriving on the doorstep, adding to the patio pile of tabletop confusion mentioned in my prior COE miniatures project post. Streamlined now, the quick process results pictured below show the effort involved for six COE Ancient Roman era armies. For background details on the basing, organization, and inventory bookkeeping process, see WR’s previous post:  COE Chariot era armies

The six Ancient Roman Clash of Empires (COE) army collections completed during the Project: Early Rome (Kingdom) & Italian City States, Republican Rome, Late Republican Rome including Caesarian period, Early Imperial Rome, then Middle (2nd / 3rd Century) and Late Imperial Rome armies.

First up is the Early Rome and Italian City State Clash of Empires (COE) collection. These units will fill out the ranks for Rome’s armies or be opponents against the growth of Rome. Still weak in cavalry (or chariots), small tabletop actions like “border” disputes or cattle raids are planned.

Wargamerabbit’s Clash of Empires 25/28mm Early Rome – Italian City States era ancient army collection formed for review as of Dec 2018.

Side view of the Early Rome – Italian City State collection. Italian Greeks at top, Samnites and Romans lower half.

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Battles of Nola 216-214 BC

Catching up with the two month backlog of WR gaming activities. At the end of YR 2017, on the last gaming saturday of December, WR drove south to join several friends for a Clash of Arms (COE) 28mm ancients game. David our host had designed a Roman-Carthaginian 214-216 BC battle based from the Hannibal campaigns around the Roman city of Nola.

First a little background before the COE game scenario report posted below. Digging about on the internet we found Nola was one of the oldest cities of Campania, its coinage bearing the name Nuvlana. Generally thought as been founded by the Ausones, who were certainly occupying the city by c. 560 BC. During the Roman invasion of Naples in 328 BC, Nola was probably occupied by the Oscans in alliance with the Samnite allies, from which the Romans took the city in 311 BC, during the Samnite War. Later, Nola and nearby Capua rivaled each other as “cities of luxury” south of Rome during the years of peace before the arrival of Hannibal and his army.

The historical city of Nola was the site of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Battles of Nola during Hannibal‘s invasion of Italy amid the Second Punic War. On two occasions (215 and 214 BC), it was defended by Consul Marcellus and his roman army. After the departure of Hannibal from Italy, the city returned to their business trade pursuits. Falling to treason, the Samnites controlled the city during the Social War. They held it until their ally Gaius Marius was defeated by Lucius Cornelius Sulla, who subjugated it with the rest of Samnium in 80 BC. It was stormed by Spartacus and his army of slaves during his failed slave revolt to worsen their lot a decade later. Though a relative backwater city by now in history, Nola retained its status as a municipium, its own institutions, and the use of the Oscan language during this period of Roman history. It was divided into pagi, the names of some of which are still preserved to this present day: Pagus Agrifanus, Capriculanus, Lanitanus for examples.

Campaign map for 216 – 214 BC (.doc):  Nola map

Many people think Hannibal’s won all his battles and suffered his only defeat at the battle of Zama near Carthage. That is false. Hannibal himself was held in 3 inconclusive battles outside the city walls of Nola during the 2nd Punic War Italian campaign. All were tactical stalemates, somewhat uncommon for the Punic warfare period, but allowed Republican Rome to regain its momentum against the recent Carthaginian victory on the bloody battlefield of Cannae. Continue reading

COE Spartans vs. Persians

WR has been busy either tossing dice, painting miniatures, or ballroom dancing this last quarter so his written AAR effort has taken a back seat. Time to correct my poor literary efforts with three AAR for the blog sphere gaming world. First up, the classic ancient clash of Spartans with Greek city states vs. their eternal foe, the Persian hordes.

With the linear Persians horde overlapping and positioned before the smaller Spartan-Greek city-state army, the classical ancient scenario of two battle lines crashing, shield to wicker shield, spear to spear, was about to commence. The Spartan plan was simple. Advance quickly, shoulder to shoulder with the Greek city-state hoplites, crush the Persian center infantry, and hope the Persian flanking cavalry is held briefly by the weaker Greek flanking cavalry. Cunning Persian plan…. hold the center to allow the Persian wing cavalry (3:1) to engage and roll up the Spartan and Greek flanks. Nothing very original here and truly reflective of the poor COE generalship ratings rolled for.

YouTube video link of the starting line up: Spartan and Persian set up

Starting positions for Spartan and Greek army in foreground, Persians in distance.

Starting positions for Spartan and Greek army in foreground, Persians in distance.

Another view of Spartans vs the Persians starting positions.

Another view of Spartans vs the Persians starting positions. Flat, open spaces with fields in foreground. Low, line of sight hills in the distant background.

Opening movements per carefully designed plans….. quick march forward for the Spartan-Greeks. Try and flank the Spartan line while giving the Greeks a taste of Persian arrows. Simple and so ancient. Add in a little skirmisher on skirmisher action to clear the center sums up the opening game movements.  Continue reading

COE Etruscan State vs. Early Republican Rome

Late in December 2012 or 400 B.C. local year, the Etruscan state of King Mic met the Early Republican Romans (of Consul Tim) on the field of battle. History will record some notion of a border dispute, a kidnapped-captive lady, some “lost cattle”, or that the Romans were late with their field dispatches, but these armies were spoiling for a fight.

The clouds parted to give a sunny day on the Italian peninsular. The armies had marched into their starting deployments with a line of small hillocks separating the shield pounding infantry. Some scattered grain fields near a ruined temple (to an old relative of Mic?) completed the scene as King Mic joined his bodyguard near the rock of Mic. With a hatred of Rome, a late arriving Samnite force joined the Etruscans on their distant right flank.

Armies deployed for battle separated by the low hills. Etruscan in foreground, Rome in distance.

Armies deployed for battle separated by the low hills. Etruscan in foreground, Rome in distance.

View towards the right Etruscan right and in the distance the Samnite allies.

View towards the right Etruscan right and in the distance the Samnite allies facing the Roman allies.

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Battle of Mantineia 362 B.C.

This past weekend WR traveled south to Long Beach CA and joined in a 28mm Clash of Empires (COE) ancients game. The Battle of Mantineia 362 BC scenario was enlarged and based upon the same battle mentioned in “The Rise and Fall of Persia” (pg. 124) COE supplement.

Greek phalanx marches forward, keeping that classical line look.

First some quick background material. The Battle of Mantineia was fought on July 4, 362 BC between the Thebans (links in blue), led by Epaminondas and supported by the Arcadians and the Boeotian league against the Spartans, led by King Agesilaus II and supported by the EleansAthenians, and Mantineans. The battle was to decide the hegemony over Greece, but the death of Epaminondas and the defeat of the Spartans paved the way for Macedonian conquest by Phillip II of Macedon. Wikipedia link: Battle of Mantineia for more background material on the actual battle in 362 BC.

Historical battle of Mantinea 362 BC.

Greek hoplites fighting in their lines…

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COE North (WR) vs. South (DK) Ancient Indian battle

Ok, this is simply a 28mm Ancient Indian Clash of Empires (COE) grudge battle to determine who will control the greater Los Angeles ancient Indian bragging rights. The northern Indians, from tribe WR, tossed the challenge to the southern Indian tribe led by David K. Only Indians could be used and the classical Indian list from COE Rise and Fall of Persia book. Since both David and WR have large 28mm ancient collections, this feud may extend into other periods. I think it was 3500 COE points plus elephants for each Indian army but the Indian beer has dulled accuracy of the abacus field returns.

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COE Battle of Granicus 334 BC

Last month WR traveled south to enjoy a Clash of Empires Battle of the Granicus 334 BC free setup game. David K. pre-rostered the army of Alexander and the local Satraps of Asia Minor but gave the players the abilities to have some different starting disposition on the tabletop.

Alexander saved by Cleitus.

Battle of the Granicus map with historical dispositions. We played with a free set up arrangement but a historically based army for each side.

Rosters used for our COE game:

Persian Satrap army: Persian Foot at Granicus,  Persian Horse at Granicus.

Alexander’s army: Macedonian Foot at Granicus,  Macedonian Horse at Granicus.

With the ability to change from the historical starting positions, both player teams elected their captains and set about positioning the units. Tim and David as Macedonians vs. Doug and WR as Persians. All the Persian and mercenary Greek close order infantry starts off table and arrive on the Persian table edge on turn one. Game has six scheduled turns plus a 50% chance for additional turns after the first six are completed (dice roll).

Persian deployment (see pictures below). The Persians elected to deploy their skirmishing infantry and some small open order unit along the riverbed position. The skirmishing bow armed cavalry formed the right flank (foreground in first picture), leaving the Persian massed cavalry formations on their left flank away from the river line. Macedonians weighted their left flank with 4 phalanx formations, three cavalry wedges and some light troops. Their center was weakly held leaving the remainder of Alexander’s army on the far right flank. So, right off the start we have a different set up for each army. Tabletop starting zone was the right half of the 16 foot table (8 feet). Once the battle started both sides could march into the table void to seek flanking opportunities. Riverbed was 50mm across with two fording points (brown sections). Later on we determined the river terrain should have been only 40mm across after re-reading J. Jonas’ scenario notes below. WR feels the locals feed Alexander some poor river depth intel.

Terrain notes: Riverbed and tall hills are rough terrain under COE rules. The low hills and river shrubs were just for show (break up the “flat table look”) and had no effect on movement or combat.

Grand view of starting positions. Persian on left, Macedonians on right. Alexander with second wedge unit on low hill.

Starting with the Persian left flank we have the massed cavalry formed up. From right foreground around the corner and into the distance. Facing the flank are the Colonist cavalry Hyrkanians (16), backed by the Colonist cavalry Paphlagonians (20). Facing the riverbed on left end are the Greek mercenary cavalry (16), then the Persian Medes massed cavalry (20), the massed Satrapal guard cavalry Cilicians (20), Bactrian noble Bactrians (20) and ending with the Bactrian noble Kappadokians (20). A Kyrtian slinger (10) unit out front. Continue reading

COE Action: The Batavian Revolt 70 AD

This past weekend WR travelled south for David K’s monthly Long Beach 28mm Clash of Empires game. The scenario this month was the Batavian Revolt of 70 A.D. Roman Early Imperial army under Quintus Petillius Cerialis vs. the revolting Batavian tribes and some romanized auxiliary defectors under Gaius Julis Civilis.

Rosters for each side: Roman Foot (Batavian Revolt)Roman Horse (Batavian Revolt)Batavian Foot (Batavian Revolt), and Batavian Horse (Batavian Revolt)

OOB game set up: Roman line (l to r) had elite cavalry, cohort cavalry, allied veteran WB, a Numeri unit, three veteran legionaries with Consul Quintus, 2 regular legionaries and then the untrained legionaries. Finishing the Roman right was deployed the allied Germanic cavalry and a small unit of Numidians. Some skirmishers before the legionaries and Numeri plus the scorpio bolt thrower between the regular legionaries.

The Batavi line (l to r) had auxiliary cavalry (defectors), the two Auxiliary infantry (defectors again), a group of warbands in right center extending out to right with Gaius, another auxiliary cavalry (defectors) and on the far right the light Germanic cavalry. Various skirmishers along the front lines. YouTube video on starting dispositions at: Link

Terrain notes: Woods and central hill are rough terrain. The hill blocked LOS till the unit was more than half way across the feature. 16’x6′ table is otherwise open fields with scattered ground shrubs. Romans move first after winning the dice off.

Game set up: Roman side on left. Deployment zones marked out and Consul Quintus in the center.

Game set up: Batavi revolt warbands and roman auxiliary defectors. Again deployment zones marked out. The unit markers behind some units help identify to the roster.

Turn I : Cunning Batavi hid their massive warband (WB) bodies behind the central hill. The roman scorpio unit must have caused great fear in their ranks (hold the laughter please). Opening movements on both sides had the armies approaching each other with cavalry seeking out their cavalry opponents. Consul Quintus rode over towards the left flank for a better view of the onrushing Batavi. Continue reading